
Nutritional Psychiatry


Food IS medicine. Optimal mental health and well-being depend on proper nutrition.  For example, your brain is made up of at least 60% fat and omega 3 fatty acids are critical to strengthening the cell walls of the brain and reducing inflammation. 

We will provide coaching, recipes, and practical guidance to help you improve your metal and emotional wellness through whole food sources. This service includes an assessment, discussion of your current dietary habits, challenges, and goals. You will leave this session with several lifestyle and food as medicine suggestions to start improving your brain health.  Regardless of your current diet, we will formulate a personalized plan that meets your needs.  

This service is NOT a specific diet prescription, such as Paleo, Ketogenic, or Vegan and is NOT meant to treat specific conditions or to be used for weight loss. 

Nutritional guidance can be incorporated with talk therapies listed below. 

Individual Counseling


We provide holistic talk therapy utilizing an integrative and personalized approach to help you gain meaning, insight, achieve goals, explore emotions and feelings in a compassionate, nonjudgmental and genuine environment. We are passionate about helping empower, advance personal growth and support your goals.

Specialties include and not limited to:

Evaluation and Consultation

Nutritional Psychiatry

Emotional Eating

Caregiver/child/adolescent issues





Life Stage Transitions

Relationship and Family Counseling


Most couples who seek marriage counseling are seeking harmony, connection, and love. I utilize a holistic approach, integrating multiple science based relationship and individual counseling techniques to help you improve insight, emotion regulation, add meaning, and inner peace, to help you heal individually, and as a couple. I utilize integrative strategies, including nutrition and lifestyle interventions to bring balance, satisfaction, and joy back into your life.

I will work with you to bring hopefulness, emotional connection, healthy communication, and spark back into your life.  We will work together to develop a plan to build your strongest, most peaceful and connected relationship. 

Family counseling may include 2 or more family members to help heal relationships, open lines of communication, and learn new coping strategies.